Beethoven and Shostakovich by the numbers

On a lark, I decided to wear my heart rate monitor during the last Lubbock Symphony Orchestra concert. The first half of the concert was Shostakovich's ninth symphony; the second half was Beethoven's ninth symphony.

During the Shostakovich, my average heart rate was 74. It topped out at 101 at some point (I'm not sure when). The duration of the piece was about 29 minutes. I think I burned 99 calories during the piece.

I tried to get data for the individual movements of the Beethoven.

Mvt. 1: duration = 17:55 avg. HR = 70 max = 86
Mvt. 2: duration = 13:31 avg. HR = 72 max = 91
Mvt. 3: duration = 18:09 avg. HR = 65 max = 86
Mvt. 4: duration = 23:53 avg. HR = 82 max = 152 (!)

I was able to sneak a glance right after the last chords of the last movement and I was around 139 or so. My guess is that the 152 came somewhere in the last few minutes of the piece (after the vocal quartet cadenza).

I burned a total of 398 calories over the course of the concert--about what I burn in a 5k race. For purposes of comparison, my max HR is around 180; my resting heart rate (first thing in the morning) is around 40.

Assorted tidbits

Current trends II