Assorted tidbits

I'm sitting at the airport waiting to get on a flight that's delayed so that I can try to make my connection in Dallas at another terminal in exactly 13 minutes so that I can get that flight to Atlanta where I'll catch a flight to Montreal so that I can attend the annual meeting of the Society for Music Theory. I'm really looking forward to this--seeing old friends, hearing the latest research, checking out Montreal, and an assortment of other cool stuff. Plus, I need a break from Lubbock and this will do just fine.

So, while I'm waiting for my plane to arrive, you all get to listen to (er, read) my rambling.

First things first: a bit of shameless self promotion. I had two article appear in two online journals on two consecutive days. The first one is an article on performance enhancement in music and it appears in the journal TRANS: Revista Transcultural de Musica. The article brings together such diverse subjects as recording technology, embodiment theory, bicycling, and Viagra. Actually, it had its origins in a post on this very blog!

The second article grew out of a talk that I gave at the 2007 meeting of the Society for Music Theory and it appears in the latest edition of Music Theory Online. In the article, I examine the importance of looking at musical performances and the types of information that can be communicated visually in performance. The article focuses on the music of Sofia Gubaidulina (her low string music in particular), and features clips of yours truly playing the bass.

Two articles in two days is a difficult pace to maintain, but I'll do my best to keep the scholarship flowing!

The latest issue of Opera News had me surfing the YouTubes. Here's some stuff I found:

Martina Arroyo on the Tonight Show:

Joyce DiDonato singing "Una voce poco fa." I only knew her as a... personality (i.e., doing interviews backstage at the met; showing up in ads for things). But holy cow can she SING!

It's 8:50 and my plane's supposed to depart at 8:55 and it's still not here. Oh well. More blogging later, perhaps?

If any fans of the blog will be at the conference and want to meet up, leave a comment or drop me a line.

Short films for the end of time

Beethoven and Shostakovich by the numbers