Extra credit opportunity

I sent this to my students today:
Those of you that have been with me for the last few quarters know that I never offer extra credit.

Until now.

I'm sure you've all wasted some time taking the "Buzzfeed" quizzes (see here; I have no control over the content on that site: enter at your own risk). I thought it would be neat to create some theory quizzes to help you learn the material and to provide a novel way to review it.

Here are some ideas:

  • Which 6/4 chord are you?
  • What kind of cadence are you?
  • Which part of the phrase model are you?
  • Which embellishing tone are you?

You may work in groups to create a quiz--make sure I get the names of everyone involved. There are two requirements:

1) The quiz must be pedagogically sound (you need to be able to learn something by creating/taking it)
2) It must be shareable (you can send me a link)

If it does not meet the first criteria, I will send it back to you with suggestions for revision.

This will be worth one "free" quiz grade. Please do not let it distract you from the actual assignments in the class. The sooner you can get them to me, the better (we do have a midterm coming up...). May 16 is the absolute deadline.

This is completely voluntary. Let me know if you have questions.

My hope is that this will not only get them thinking about the mechanics of these devices, but also the "personalities" they exhibit, which I hope will inform their implementation in homework.

If I get quizzes and permission, I'll share a few here.

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