The calm before the storm

I'm sitting in my new office, which I just got the keys to today, in the University of Washington School of Music. I'm teaching Music 119/113, pre-core music theory and ear training, here during the autumn quarter. The course consists of two lecture periods, Monday and Wednesday from 11:30-12:20am. We start with "this is a staff, this is a clef..." and go through seventh chords and inversions. From 12:30-1:30, I teach a section of aural skills (I hope--at the moment, zero students are enrolled) which my two teaching assistants observe. They have two sections each that they'll teach on Tuesday and Thursday. On Tuesday, they basically duplicate my Monday lesson; on Thursday, they work from my lesson plans for a second class. Friday mornings, the TAs run preceptorials (basically quiz/drill sections).

On Monday and Wednesday mornings from 8:00-10:05am, I'm teaching my music and crisis class at the University of Washington Tacoma campus. After I'm done, I have to jump in the car and drive to Seattle and hope that there's no traffic.

On Tuesday and Thursday, I'm teaching at UW Bothell (whose campus is beautiful, I might add). I'm team-teaching a Discovery Core I class titled "Universal Magnetic: Globalization and the aesthetics of hip-hop" with Georgia Roberts, an English/Cultural studies faculty member there. The class meets from 3:30-7:45 (that's not a typo--four hours and fifteen minutes) and is designed to be a "welcome to college and the real world" sort of experience. Georgia and I met for the first time yesterday (we've been corresponding quite a lot via e-mail prior to that) to hash out the class. I think it's going to be really great; I'm looking forward to learning a lot.

This quarter promises not to be boring...

Things of the past

Some thoughts on bowing and music analysis