The things I carry

Having played professionally in a variety of contexts over the years, I have found the need to carry all sorts of things in my gig bag; one never knows what to expect on a gig. I played a pops concert out of town this week and it got me to thinking about all of the stuff I take with me in my bass case (and using some of it, too!).

Here's the list:
  • A pencil (of course!)
  • Tuning fork (old school!)
  • Extra black bow tie
  • Nail clippers
  • Clothespins (for outdoor gigs in particular)
  • Earplugs
  • Medical tape (good for saving fingers on pops concerts with lots of pizzicato)
  • Post-it notes (good for marking cuts, particularly in show books)

There is, of course, the obvious: I carry two bows, at least two cakes of rosin, and extra strings. I just happen to have a spare bridge in my case as well...

I have a variety of apps on my iPhone that I use regularly, too: Cleartune chromatic tuner, Tempo metronome; of course, e-mail, phone and GPS features are super-handy.

Anyone else carry anything somewhat unusual?

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