Metal Monday II

This week's Metal Monday band is Kreator. I saw my first Kreator video on the Headbanger's Ball, back when it used to be three hours long and have interviews, etc. (That was back when MTV actually had something to do with music.)

I was an avid electric bass player in high school. Unlike many of my peers (and many other electric bass players period) I refused to play with a pick. Some of this was no doubt a result of my training as a double bassist, but there was part of me who wanted to have the bragging rights of being able to play as fast with my fingers as my friends could with a pick. I also didn't like the percussive attack of the pick, come to think of it. So I was constantly on the lookout for bands whose music would challenge and ultimately improve my technique. I went from playing with two fingers to three fingers. Four fingers didn't work for me so well: my pinky was too short.

I had been doing pretty well playing Metallica, Anthras, Danzig, and Nuclear Assault (the topic of an upcoming blog post): Kreator provided the biggest challenge. Here was the song that introduced me to them (sorry--I can't embed it):

Kreator: Betrayer

The other great thing about Kreator is the voice of the lead singer, (Mike) Petrozza. He is credited with being a pioneer in the realm of Cookie Monster singing.

Here's the real pioneer of Cookie Monster singing.

Metal Monday III

New composer