American Idol blogging, or Terms: Part II

I used to blog about American Idol a lot, but I don't anymore. I think it's lost a bit of what the French call that certain... I don't know what. This season I like Danny Gokey.

A few posts ago, I posted a list of musical terms that all music students should know. Studying this list is even more imperative since Paula Abdul has apparently turned into an aural skills teacher, dropping all sorts of music theory words during her post-performance comments.

Says Whitney Pastorek, a writer for Entertainment Weekly:

The elders of Journo Row were plenty depressed by Allison's comment that she "grew up" listening to "Don't Speak," as well as by Paula's use of the word "axe" in her critique. This is where I started to suspect that Ms. Abdul had accidentally stumbled across the thesaurus we bought for Randy, and the new words -- she'd also employ legato, cadence,and aborted tonight, using exactly one correctly -- were starting to trip her up.

In a previous episode she marveled at the high A's one of the singers hit, and she's been dropping a variety of other music-related terms all season. Keep an ear out, and be sure to have your music dictionary nearby!

Memorizing music

Graduate classes of the future