
I just finished adding tags to many of the older posts here on TTU Theory. I don't know that it's something I could have done at the genesis of the blog (at the very least, I don't think that Blogger offered that capability). But now, I get to survey the 130 posts that I've written and see how they organize themselves. I ended up with about 14 categories of posts:

American Idol
Famous People


It occurs to me that in organizing my posts, I just created a sort of theory in much the same way music theorists do. I surveyed a body of work (in this case, my collected blog posts), observed patterns in that body of work, and then tried to group those patterns under some kind of common heading. Some posts don't fit neatly into any of my categories: let's call them non-harmonic posts, or maybe non-functional posts, or maybe passing posts.

If you're interested in reading everything I've written about iPods, you can click on the "iPod" heading and all of the related posts will be retrieved.

Now, I could have come up with 130 category labels for my 130 posts, but that wouldn't be terribly useful, would it? And there are some posts that really don't fit neatly into one category, but can be understood as somehow belonging to two (or more!) categories. These are a bit like pivot chords.

Look for some partwriting help later this week...

Theory calisthenics

Mark O'Connor