Bike to work day

May is National Bike Month and today (May 16) is Bike to Work day.

Commute by Bike is a wonderful resource for commuters of any level. The site features a Gas Savings calculator where you plug in the length of your commute, the price of a gallon of gas, your car's MPG, and the number of days you ride per week and you can see your savings per day, week, and year.

My one piece of advice: invest in a good bike. Don't go to Target or Wal-Mart and expect to get a bike that will hold up. Go to your local bike shop, get fitted, get advice, get add-ons, get a great bike that you love. (My weapon of choice...) Most shops also offer free lifetime tune-ups on bikes that they sell.

I've been commuting by bike five days a week--rain, sleet, snow, and hail--for about two years now and I love it. I've saved (according to the aforementioned calculator) about $142.13 this year, which is exactly enough to buy one of these. Thoughts on what my message should be?

If you want advice, tips, recommendations, etc. please don't hesitate to ask me!

Updated links

Now what?